
Scheduling Web TV Streaming

VDO Panel lets you set schedules for the Web TV streaming. This functionality lets you define the schedule for playing a specific stream. You can define daily, permanent, or one shot schedules for a stream. 

NOTE: This functionality is available only for Web TV Streaming.

To define a schedule for Web TV streaming:

  1. From the Left Pane, click WebTV Management to expand it.
    The sub-sections display.


  2. Click Playlist Scheduler.
    The Playlist Scheduler section displays.

  3. Specify the following parameters to define a schedule.



Stream Type

Lets you select a stream type for which you want to define a schedule. Select any of the following stream types from the dropdown:

  • Playlists

  • Restream


Let you select any existing playlist for which you want to define the schedule. You can view the existing playlists in the dropdown. Select the desired playlist. This option will display only if Playlists is selected from the Stream Type.

Schedule Type

Let you define the schedule type for the selected stream.

Select any of the following scheduling types from the dropdown:

  • Non Stop: Selecting this option means that the selected stream will play all time or non stop.

  • Daily: Selecting this option means that the selected stream will played regularly on the selected days at the defined hours.

    • Select Day: Lets you select the days when the selected stream will be played. For example, if you select Monday and Tuesday, then it means that the selected stream will play on Monday and Tuesday only each week.

    • Start/End Hours: Lets you set the starting and ending hours for the selected stream. For example, if you set 8PM as the Start hour and 10Pm as the End hour, it means that the selected stream will start at 8PM and end at 10PM.

  • One Shot: Selecting this option means that the selected stream will play one time on the selected date and time.


  1. After specifying the above parameters, click Create.
    The schedule will be created for the selected stream.

    You can view the defined schedules in the list below.

In the schedules list you can view the following information for each schedule.

  • Playlist name

  • Scheduler type

  • Time span

You also have the options to modify and delete the existing schedules if required.

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